Writing – Plagiarism

According to 正规赌博十大网站’s Student Conduct and Academic Dishonesty
(Minnesota State Policy 3.6 and 正规赌博十大网站 Policy 3.6 Section 2: Academic Honesty) policy, plagiarism is defined as representing another person’s words or ideas as one’s own without proper attribution or credit. Other people’s words and ideas must be given adequate documentation whether used in direct quotation or in summary or paraphrase. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, quoting written or oral materials without citation on an exam, term paper, homework, or other written materials or oral presentations for an academic requirements; submitting a paper purchased from a term paper service as one’s own; submitting anyone else’s work as one’s own. Any form of plagiarism constitutes an act of cheating.


The consequences for plagiarism at 正规赌博十大网站 include reprimand, additional coursework, reexamination, a lowered grade for the plagiarized assignment, a lowered grade for the course, failure, or dismissal from the course. The consequences are at the discretion of individual 正规赌博十大网站 instructors.

Access the full 正规赌博十大网站 policy.

How to Avoid Plagiarism

For further information on how to effectively quote, summarize, and paraphrase and how to avoid plagiarism in general, feel free to visit the links to Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab at: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl